VTS Social Event

Dear tennis enthusiasts,

Tennis BC has generously provided the Vancouver Tennis Society with court time for 2 hours on 4 tennis courts in their indoor bubble in Richmond on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

Sign up to attend: https://www.meetup.com/vancouvertennis/events/299298141

Join us for some doubles acton and for the society’s Annual General Meeting! We are required to hold this democratic meeting to maintain good standing with the BC Societies Act.

Applications are now also open for all current board positions! Being a board member of a non-profit is fantastic experience and provides an opportunity to make a real difference in your community.

Elections for Directors will occur at the Annual General Meeting in person.

How to apply to become a Director:

If you would like to apply, please e-mail your interest to van.tennis.society@gmail.com with the subject line “Director Application”, along with (1) a headshot photo and (2) paragraph about you. We will be posting these on the VTS website before the elections. Deadline to apply is March 5, 2024 at 5:00 PM.

How to vote for Directors:

If you would like to vote in the upcoming election for Directors, please ensure that you are a Voting Member by making a $5.00 annual payment at https://vantennis.ca/pay-for-membership and attend the Annual General Meeting.

Open board positions and role descriptions:


  • Set the vision and top priorities for the society
  • Communicate with top-level executives of organizations in the community to achieve objectives
  • Communicate with City of Vancouver and other municipalities in the Lower Mainland when necessary to achieve objectives


  • Support the President with tasks and responsibilities
  • Watch over the committee system and assist committee chairs in achieving objectives
  • Attend the club’s Board of Directors meetings and preside when the President is unavailable


  • Maintain a balance sheet and produce financial reports for the Annual General Meeting
  • Seek out and apply for financial grants for the society


  • Record meeting minutes at Board of Directors Meetings
  • Ensure the society follows its bylaws and provincial regulations

We will have online participation as well for the AGM portion. Please still sign up using the Meetup link and instructions will be provided the day before the event.

See you at the event, and good luck to all applicants!

Author: nickt

President of the Vancouver Tennis Society

By nickt

President of the Vancouver Tennis Society